Photo by Aaron Doucett on Unsplash
Dear Siblings in Christ –
A special grant opportunity is being offered to help congregations and worshipping communities within the Presbytery of Lake Michigan fund programs and initiatives to help the hungry in our midst.
Applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. Monday, May 23, 2022, for any program or initiative that helps individuals within the bounds of our presbytery who face hunger or food insecurity. All applications will be considered but special consideration will be given to those programs organized by smaller groups and those programs that take a unique approach to addressing this ongoing challenge.
A copy of the application for this special Presbytery of Lake Michigan grant opportunity is being sent with this communication. Questions about the grant program may be directed to the presbytery’s office manager at office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org.
Grants awarded through this special program will be presented during the June 14, 2022 Stated Meeting at First Presbyterian Church of Kalamazoo. Recipients will leave the Stated Meeting with the funds in hand. Checks will be given to a representative of the congregations or worship communities in attendance..
Presentation of the grants is intentionally scheduled during this Stated Meeting because the keynote conversations will, as our presbytery continues living into its Matthew 25 commitment, explore how we recognize Christ among the hungry.
There is $9,800 available to fund these special grants.
Funds for this special grant opportunity were collected through the “Cents-Ability” program. Originated in 1976 as “Two-Cents-A-Meal,” the project was started by the Presbyterian Women to involve individuals and families in a corporate response to world hunger. Participating congregations and groups invite every member – of all ages – to contribute a few cents at every meal to express thanks for what we have received. These small contributions add up.
Our challenge to you is how can we, as presbytery, take this $9,800 and multiply it exponentially to share Christ’s love in our communities?
Fran Lane-Lawrence
Transitional Co-Leader/ Stated Clerk
Cal Bremer
Transitional Co-Leader
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