Ongoing pandemic concerns have prompted organizers of the 2022 Presbyterian Youth Triennium to cancel the event.

“Dealing with the ramifications of COVID and the necessary safety protocols that we would need to build were overshadowing every element of Trienniun,” PYT director Gina Yeager-Buckley said.

A description of why the event was cancelled – including the five-day pre-event quarantine that would have been required and the need to create an onsite COVID testing clinic and care facility for those in quarantine – is included in a February 16, 2022 Presbyterian News Service article by Paul Seebeck.

Those who were planning to take a delegation from the Presbytery of Lake Michigan to the Triennium are disappointed by the decision, said the Rev. Lynne (McQuown) Fry, who moderates the presbytery’s Youth Strategies Committee.

“Our presbytery will explore planning an alternative event so our youth can interact,” Fry said, “but, as we’ve just gotten this news, we need to pause and consider what is the best plan.”

Triennium organizers already are negotiating contracts to host the next event during July 2025 in Indianapolis, Yeager-Buckley said. That event will remain focused on the Matthew 25 theme of “When Did We See You?”

But now, she said, activities that were being planned as “PYT Beyond” to keep 2022 Triennium participants involved with virtual sessions, cohorts and courses will be used as a pathway to engage participants heading to the 2025 Triennium. Planning also continues to establish a Young Adult track for the 2025 Triennium.