The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, September 19, via electronic meeting technology.


Teaching elders and designated elder commissioners with voting rights will be asked to register for the Zoom session. Details about the registration process – which will open August 24 and close September 12 — will be distributed soon. Anyone else who wants to attend the meeting will be asked to watch via a live-stream broadcast.


The agenda will focus on worship and essential business. Docket requests must be submitted by Monday, August 24, to To the extent possible, all reports to the presbytery will be given in written format and included in the written packet so that everyone has easy access to accurate information. Reports must be sent by 2 p.m. Wednesday, September 2, to .


The preliminary meeting packet will be posted on the presbytery website by Saturday, September 5, and the final packet by Saturday, September 12, so that participants may review the information and print copies for themselves. NO printed packets will be provided.

Orientation for new designated commissioners

Orientation for any new designated commissioners will be held via a Zoom meeting. Registration information for this session will be sent directly to those who indicate during registration that they are a new commissioner.