Planning a Virtual Event for PLM Youth

Members of the Youth Strategy Committee would like to plan a VIRTUAL event sometime this summer for youth attending churches within the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.

The plan is for a one-day event – lasting at least an hour – that would provide an opportunity to build and renew relationships among our youth. (Because of the uncertain coronavirus pandemic environment, the decision was to not have an “in person” event but rather work within the virtual environment.)

To help with planning, YSC members are asking youth leaders to contact the youth in their congregation and ask two questions.

1. Would their youth prefer a guided event where others lead the activities or a time to just have general conversation among themselves?

2. What virtual platform do the youth use or are most familiar? (Examples include Instagram, Google meets, YouTube, Zoom, etc.)

Please share the gathered information with Elder Brian Koon, moderator of the Youth Strategy Committee, via a message to

Evaluation for June 9 Stated Meeting

The first virtual Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan is in the books.

Thank you to everyone who participated and exercised patience as we experienced this together.

Please take a few minutes in the next day or so to fill out the Stated Meeting evaluation form – available below –  so presbytery staff and leaders know what worked and what didn’t so adjustments can be made if the presbytery has to hold another virtual meeting in the future.

Bulk order open for 2020-21 PC(USA) Planning Calendars

The next edition of the PC(USA) planning calendar — with worship planning aids, lectionary references, liturgical days and colors, and programmatic emphases for September 2020 through December 2021 — will be published sometime in July.

This year, the list price for a single copy ordered from the PC(USA) Store will be $16.95 plus shipping.

You can reduce the cost to $11 per copy by reserving copies by Wednesday, July 1, in a bulk order that the presbytery will place. The cost includes having the copies you ordered shipped from the presbytery to you. Although an exact delivery date is not known yet, it is anticipated the calendar will be delivered to the presbytery before August 1.

Click below to access the online form to join the bulk order of planning calendars by the presbytery. Remember to print a copy of the completed order form – BEFORE YOU SUBMIT IT – to serve as an invoice for payment.