The presbytery is coordinating a bulk order of the 2019-2021 Book of Order that PC(USA) recently published.
Orders and payment are due by Friday, August 30.
By placing a bulk order and sharing the shipping fees, we reduce the cost from $10 per paperback copy to $8 per copy.
Orders will be accepted via an on-line form available on the presbytery website or by clicking the button below. (Remember to print a copy of the completed order form BEFORE submitting the order and use that as your invoice.)
Payment should be sent to the presbytery office at 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002.
If you asked “if I ordered the books, how will I get them?”
- Those who order copies will be notified when the books arrive.
- We hope to have the shipment delivered in time to distribute the ordered books at the September 14 Stated Meeting at Fairplain Presbyterian Church in Benton Harbor.
- If, however, the shipment does not arrive before the Stated Meeting or someone from your congregation is unable to attend the meeting, you may pick the books up at the presbytery office for no additional cost or have the books shipped to you and pay the shipping costs.
NOTE: Electronic Copy is Free
An electronic copy of the 2019-2021 Book of Order may be downloaded at the button below:
This is great for those individuals who want an electronic copy of the Book of Order on their computer or tablet. It also can be used by those who want to print copies to go into a three-ring binder.
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