Campus Ministries

Campus Ministries

Campus ministries provide programs, conversations and space where students can ask questions about faith and life as they learn and grow during their college years. 

The important work of campus ministries includes: 

  • Supporting students on their faith and life journeys.
  • Supporting persons who may be at a distance from their home church or community, and providing ministry to persons who did not, or do not now, have a church home. 
  • Offering assistance to students during a period in their lives when they often have limited financial resources 

Campus Ministries

Four campus ministry programs currently support students attending colleges and universities within the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. Scroll down or click below to learn more.

    New Life Lansing Korean Presbyterian Church

    Location Served: Korean Students in Lansing Area

    Learn More

    Among today’s many churches, our church is composed of immigrants, young learners, and multi-cultural saints. Through worship, fellowship, and pursuit of the Word, our church is the Lord’s House that seeks to transform into the full spirituality of the Lord.


    Contact: Rev. John Won
    Phone: 517-899-9532

    United Campus Christian Fellowship

    Location Served: Grand Rapids Community College, Kendall College of Art and Design, Grand Valley State University

    Learn More

    United Campus Christian Fellowship (UCCF) is a multi campus, multi denominational campus ministry. We create opportunities for students to learn about and follow Jesus Christ in a non- judgmental, inclusive and open environments. We help students consider how their faith connects to the rest of their lives- their career choices, and their social justice concerns. We offer thoughtful Bible study, spiritual formation, and opportunities to put one’s faith into action.

    To be clear, for us this means LGBTQ+ persons are welcomed and affirmed. We are committed to becoming the inclusive community God intends us to be.

    UCCF is present on campus at Grand Rapids Community College, Grand Valley State University, and Kendall College of Art and Design.



    Contact: Kate VanValkenburg
    Phone: 616-613-6991
    General Info:

    United Campus Ministry in Kalamazoo

    Location Served: College Students on the campuses in Kalamazoo, MI

    Learn More

    UCM is a non-traditional campus ministry that uses service learning to reach out to college students on the campuses of higher education in Kalamazoo, Michigan. UCM works with over 250 students each year, teaching them about leadership and service learning, and helping students who are beginning to question their childhood faith claim adult faith.

    We partner with many local organizations, using service work to reach out to students who might not attend a traditional campus ministry. UCM believes that faith is about action and vocation.


    UKirk at Michigan State (UKirk at MSU)

    Location Served: Michigan State University, Lansing Community College, and the greater Lansing area

    Learn More

    UKirk at Michigan State is the campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in East Lansing, established as part of the 1001 New Worshiping Communities Movement.

    We are an open and affirming community of faith. We welcome you to bring ALL of who you are to UKirk. You- yes you- are a beloved child of God. We value the diversity of racial and cultural identity, the full spectrum of gender identity and sexual orientation and invite each person to full participation in our community of faith.

    We express our faith in creative worship, service, fellowship, prayer, discussion and more! We are a home away from home for students and college age young adults. We take seriously the command of Jesus Christ to love God and love our neighbors. It is a great point of connection for students of any faith background, or no faith background at all.


    Contact: Neil Myer
    Phone: 517-897-1482

    Ways to Support Campus Ministries

    There are three key ways that presbytery members can support campus ministries: pray, refer and contribute. 

    1. Pray – Pray regularly for the work of campus ministries and for students and faculty on these campuses.
    2. Refer – Share information about the campus ministry programs with college students within your congregation and community. As appropriate, share information about the students with the campus ministry staff so that they may reach out and make connections.
    3. Contribute – All four campus ministry programs receive shared mission dollars from the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. It is important to note, however, that these funds do not supply the total financial needs of the campus ministries. Therefore, presbytery leaders encourage local congregations to also support campus ministries through their church mission dollars in addition to their shared mission giving to the presbytery.

    Latest News About Campus Ministries

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    Next Stated Meetings

    The next regular Stated Meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 8, 2025 and will be hosted by Eastminster Presbyterian Church, East Lansing.

    Visit the Presbytery Meetings page of this website and watch the eDIGEST for updated information about how to register for the meeting and where to find the Presbytery packet.

    The Presbytery of Lake Michigan, 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002 | Copyrighted © 2022