Values, Mission & Vision
Values, Mission, Vision & Goals
The Presbytery of Lake Michigan embarked on a nearly three-year interactive process utilizing multiple in person regional listening meetings, retreats, surveys, and electronic solicitation/response to determine its ministry focus. This process culminated in the approval at the Presbytery’s September 2018 Stated Meeting/Retreat of a new structure to implement the adopted Values, Mission, Vision, and Goals:
As partners in Christ’s service, we seek God’s way of grace and justice through: Inclusion, Formation & Inspiration.
The Presbytery of Lake Michigan forms and partners with faith communities to challenge, encourage, equip and hold one another accountable as Christ’s disciples.
We envision dynamic leaders and healthy congregations who are vital to their communities, working together to share the way of Christ’s love, grace and justice.
- PLM will work to strengthen relationships between
- the Presbytery and its congregations
- the Presbytery and its minister members
- the Presbytery and Sessions
- congregations
- PLM will resource and support congregations for healthy and vital ministries.
- PLM will develop and support healthy and dynamic leaders for congregations and validated ministries.
- PLM will fulfill its other responsibilities mandated in G-3.03 in the Book of Order, Including but not limited to
- Organizing, receiving, merging, dismissing, and dissolving congregations.
- Oversee congregations without pastors
- Establishing pastoral Relationships and dissolving them
- Guiding the preparation of those preparing to become ministers of W and S.
- Maintain relationships with Synod and General Assembly as well as ecumenical and interfaith entities.
- Develop strategies for the mission of the church in its district.
We are a part of the Presbyterian Church of U.S.A. or PC (USA) denomination. Our denomination is organized into churches, mid-councils (presbyteries and synods) and national (or General Assembly). We are the Presbytery of Lake Michigan so our territory is western Michigan as shown on the churches map.
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Next Stated Meetings
The next regular Stated Meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 8, 2025 and will be hosted by Eastminster Presbyterian Church, East Lansing.
Visit the Presbytery Meetings page of this website and watch the eDIGEST for updated information about how to register for the meeting and where to find the Presbytery packet.

The Presbytery of Lake Michigan, 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002 | Copyrighted © 2022