Greenwood Properties
Presbytery Decisions about Camp Greenwood Properties
Utilizing a process of discernment, in 2015 the Presbytery of Lake Michigan decided to no longer operate Camp Greenwood. The next year, 2016, marked the last year of a Presbytery-run Camp Greenwood. During the summer of 2016, the Presbytery looked at alternatives for the use of the properties.
On December 06, 2016, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan approved recommendations from the Leadership Team regarding the Presbytery properties previously home to Camp Greenwood. Included in those recommendations was the appointment of an Administrative Commission with specified duties and reporting responsibilities.
During 2017 and 2018 the Administrative Commission reported on its activities at each stated meeting of the Presbytery. The Administrative Commission offered its “Preliminary Report to the Presbytery” in October of 2018. The Commission then solicited responses and suggestions from interested congregations and individuals at regionally hosted gatherings. The Administrative Commission submitted its Final Report for 2018 in November. This report recommended that the Presbytery of Lake Michigan sell some properties that were part of its Greenwood properties. It also recommended that the Presbytery offer Greenwood Ministries Association (GMA), a separate 501 c (3) not for profit group, a three-year lease to operate a camping ministry on some of the properties and the opportunity to purchase other parts of the property under certain conditions and stipulations
The Presbytery at its December 06, 2018 Stated Meeting adopted these recommendations with some amendments that were perfected at the meeting. The Presbytery also approved an extension and expansion of the mandate for the Administrative Commission.
The Administrative Commission’s Reports and the Minutes of Stated Meetings of December 2016 and December 2018 appear as links below.
2018.10.20 Camp Greenwood AC Preliminary Report (PDF)
2018.11.20 Camp Greenwood AC Final Report (PDF)
2018.11.20 Camp Greenwood AC – Greenwood Map Addendum (PDF)
2018.12.04 Minutes Stated Meeting – APPROVED (PDF)
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Next Stated Meetings
The next regular Stated Meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 8, 2025 and will be hosted by Eastminster Presbyterian Church, East Lansing.
Visit the Presbytery Meetings page of this website and watch the eDIGEST for updated information about how to register for the meeting and where to find the Presbytery packet.

The Presbytery of Lake Michigan, 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002 | Copyrighted © 2022