
Contact Us

Presbytery staff is here to help you access information and get things done.

To reach a specific staff or leadership member, visit the Staff and Presbytery Leaders page.

You also may use the following general contact information:
Phone: (269) 381-6337
Postal: 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002


Someone is generally available from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday to answer questions and help with tasks.

Please note that if the phone is not answered immediately we may be assisting someone else. And if the office is closed during regular hours, it may be due to an off-site meeting, errands or staff time off. Feel free to send an e-mail message to or leave a voice mail at (269) 381-6337 ext. 3 and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Staff Contact Information

To contact a specific staff person or a member on the leadership team, please click on the button below:

Presbytery of Lake Michigan

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Next Stated Meetings

The next regular Stated Meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 8, 2025 and will be hosted by Eastminster Presbyterian Church, East Lansing.

Visit the Presbytery Meetings page of this website and watch the eDIGEST for updated information about how to register for the meeting and where to find the Presbytery packet.

The Presbytery of Lake Michigan, 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002 | Copyrighted © 2022